Friday, June 1, 2007

June 1st

Well, we finally got everything moved AGAIN.
Yup, you might recall we just moved in March, well, the property owners needed their property back due to some family health issues, so we had to move again.
We are at our new house now and just got the internet back up.
I REALLY hate moving. What a pain in the ass.

Things at work have been pretty quiet. They moved all the inmates out of section I of my unit yesterday. They are planning on moving more DSU inmates in on Monday. Things might get a little interesting when they do.

We had some very sad news this week. A very beloved Sergeant had a heart attack and died while he was vacationing in Arizona on Wednesday morning. His son is also a Sergeant at the same prison. He was always such a great guy to work around. He always had a smile on his face. He was the kind of guy that you wanted to be around when you were feeling down, or upset because he had a knack for always making you feel better and putting things in perspective. He had a profound impact on a lot of staff and will be sorely missed.

Rest in peace "Papa"


Anonymous said...

Hi Gary;
Where do you live now???
We didn't know you had moved, the last place we knew of was near the golf course.
I always find your blog interesting.
Hope everyone there are fine, we are here.
take care
A. Lois

Gary said...

Hi Lois and family,
We moved just out of town in March, and then had to move again this month.
We are still here in the same town though, on the south side.
Everyone here is doing well.
Give that goofy uncle of mine a hug for me and stay well!!