Sunday, May 20, 2007

May 20th

Pretty quiet week at work this week.
The other night the inmates in section two of the unit kept making a bunch of noise, and yelling to inmates in section three, which they aren't supposed to do. The inmates in my unit have small radios that they get to listen to. I have a switch box that can cut power to them, so I did. They ALL started yelling and banging doors and generally acting like inmates. The floor staff went in and told them if they want them back on they had to settle down and be quiet for 15 minutes. They all talked a bunch of smack, but guess what?! Ten minutes later it was nice and quiet again. I love those radios. They are such a great tool. Oh yeah, the inmates were quiet the rest of the night.

Nothing else going on. It has been pretty mellow for a while. We just enjoy it while we can knowing that eventually someone is gonna nut up again and things get hectic for a while.

1 comment:

Sherry Carline said...

Hey Gary. Lost you for awhile. I was having trouble with the computer again. Finally got a couple of things figured out. Just wanted to say 'hi'. Will probably be there before you read this. Can't wait. See you soon.