Friday, June 15, 2007

June 15th

Today's post is a bit somber. I posted a couple weeks back that we suffered the loss of a Sargeant. There was a memorial service held for him yesterday. This is one of those times the administration did something completly right. They pretty much shut down the institution, and tried to get coverage for as many people as possible to attend. They even used a transport bus to drive people from work to the place the memorial was held.

I had said before what a profound impact this man had on a lot of peoples lives, mine included. There was a folder on our computer system at work for people to leave their memories and goodbyes. I started reading through them last night and must admit I didn't do a very good job of holding back the tears. Yes, we may get a bit twisted and cynical working in the environment we do, but we are still feeling human beings.
With a lump in my throat again, I would like to share with you some of the many posts that were left as a tribute to a man that will be missed by so many people.

I remember the first day of our training together as new officers back in 1991. When it was your turn to stand up and speak about yourself you said you were retired Air Force. As a fellow Air Force veteran this peaked my curiosity about you and a friendship developed. I always admired your sense of humor, quick wit and your ever present smile. I always enjoyed when we were assigned to work together, your calmness and professionalism rubbed off on staff and inmates alike. I was deeply saddened when I heard the news of your passing. Your memory will live on forever in my heart.
-Correction Officer

It brought me great disbelief and sorrow to hear about your passing. It brings me great sadness to lose one of our finest and it fills my heart with sorrow. Thanks for your help and guidance, you made me feel at ease when I needed help and direction. I could always count on you to set the pace for my day. You will be greatly missed I will always hear the words you would say to me, "YOU'LL GET IT, IT WILL WORK OUT." Mahalo (Thank you). Fly with angels my friend Farewell. My heart goes out to the family of "Papa"
-Correction Officer

I'm deeply sadden of your passing. My thoughts and prayers go out to the family.
It hurts me to know you won't be around to talk about our bike adventures "Even though you didn't have a Harley".
Your calming composer during tense situations, your big smile and laugh to take you away from your environment, if even for just a moment. You'll never be Forgotten.
Keep the wind in your face and the rubber down my brother.
-Correction Corporal

I was saddened by the news of your loss. If a man is measured by friendships, then "Papa" was a rich man. He will truly be missed at OSP. A friend, mentor, and a wonderful person. Thanks for sharing him with the rest of us.
-Correction Lieutenant

"Papa", you will forever be in my thoughts and my heart. I can't help but think of the negative environment we work in and the long term effects it can have on a person. How many of us spend so much time living in the past, stressing about the future and missing the precious moments of today. I have never seen that from you, I can not recall a single time I have ever heard you lay your troubles on someone else, but instead, would make time to help us with ours. You are a true inspiration, a true hearted friend and one of a kind. It always amazed me how just your presence alone, would change the tone of the atmosphere and had a calming effect on those around you.
It has been a blessing knowing you and one could only dream of being remembered some day, as you are. Our prayers go out to your family
-Correction Officer

What a wonderful and special man to so many staff members here at OSP. I met "Papa" my first day at OSP in the "smoke break room". The one thing that I will always remember during our breaks is when [name withheld] would come in and those two would start telling the funniest stories. The one thing that really sticks out in my memory of him is how he spoke about his loving Wife, Children, Grandchildren and his soon to be daughter-in-law.
When I think of him, tears come to my eyes, because he was such a super person. I just can't get his smile out of my mind. He brightened up this place with his smile and always being so friendly to everyone and we can't forget his laugh.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the whole family - all the memories you hold in your heart of this great man will keep him alive in spirit.
He will truly be missed by all that knew and worked with him.
-Institution Support Specialist

I was truly shocked and deeply saddened when I received the news of "Papa's" passing. I will always remember his smile which was warm and at times left me wondering what he was up to. He was a good man who told it like it was and was always willing to help out another as well as sharing his experience with all. A better wordsmith than I once said, "We are richer for having known him and poorer for his passing." My family's hearts and thoughts are with the family.
-Correction Lieutenant

Unfortunately, I did not have the honor to work many hours directly with "Papa". But I did have the pleasure of watching him from my position of a supervisor at OSP. What I observed was a man who brought a sense of calmness and maturity to the day to day chaos at the Penitentiary. He recognized that corrections is a "people business" and he had a talent that I very much appreciated. He was a friend to many, and a leader to many more. It was a pleasure to have worked with him, and I appreciate the knowledge and skills he was able to pass on to others while he was with us. He will be greatly missed.

Working in this environment isn't always easy, There's one thing that you can count on, that is when you walk into work and across the floor you would be greeted with a smile and sometimes a joke.
You will always be remembered with a smile.
-Correction Officer

Everyone we meet adds to the fullness of our experience on this earth. I'm very thankful that I can count "Papa" among the friends who've enriched my journey.
When I think of him my mind's eye sees his warm smile and hears his hearty laugh.
It's a rare man that is so universally liked and respected.
Fare You Well, Friend.
You'll live on in the hearts of the people you blessed in life.
-Correction Officer

You helped me when I was new. You helped me when I wasn't. You were not selfish and you believed in the team. I looked forward to the days we worked together. I even like working with your son, who is a reflection of you. I liked the stories of the casino trips. I'm sure everyone did. So, Thanks for everything. Your memory will always live in me and OSP.
-Correction Corporal

There were even more, but I think this is getting long enough.
I just wanted to share some of the thoughts from just a few of the people that felt the same as I.

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