Friday, January 26, 2007

January 26th

I thought I would post and clarify a few things.

On my current post at work, I work mobile unit 4 days a week, and the dining room the last night. Mobile patrol is just that, I spend 4 hours a night in a dodge truck driving around the outside perimeter of the institution. This is an armed post, we have a shotgun rack and a .38 (yes, Smith and Wesson .38 revolver) sidearm. Just this year we got funding for Glocks, but they won't bring them online until everyone has gone through training for them, meaning the end of this year. The other 4 hours I trade out with my partner and go inside the master control center, where we moniter the perimeter alarms.
The dining room night is just that, inside the dining room. There is not much going on until we run the first kitchen workers at 03:15am. They start preparing the morning meal at that time. Then at 05:00am the dining room workers come out and eat before mainline starts breakfast. Mainline breakfast starts at 05:30am, and usually takes close to 2 hours to feed. Then cleanup starts and they start making lunch.

Now all of this will change after next week when I start my new post. We bid new posts according to seniority every 6 months. The next bid I will be going back to our Intensive Management Unit. I will post more on this once I have made the switch after next week.

A fogline is called when it gets so foggy that visibility is down enough 10 tower (which sits in the middle of the institution) can't see 5 tower (which is on the east wall). When fogline is called by the officer in charge (or OIC), 2 people are assigned as wall walkers. These 2 people carry Ruger Mini 14's and walk the catwalk on the wall. The OIC may also (and usually does unless the fog is fairly light) have mobile continue driving the perimeter until fogline is lifted.


Loni said...

Hey Gary,

Thanks for sending this to me. I find it very interesting to read! And what a great way to keep in the know about what is going on. We have one but I have not posted in about a year! Shame on me. Maybe yours will inspire me to. Talk to ya later!

Loni : )

Anonymous said...

Gary, thanks for the clarification and I have to tell you this is all very interesting to learn about.
Hope this helps you cope in your everyday living this job on the inside with these people. It takes special people to be able to do this and keep yourself out of harms way.
Always stay as smart and commited as you are now.