Wednesday, January 24, 2007

January 24th

Well, it was just a normal night for me last night. UNTIL about 03:00am when the fog rolled in so thick you couldn't see 100 feet. A fog line was called and I ended up driving until it finally lifted enough for them to call it off at 09:30am. Made for an easy 4 hours of overtime.
It was just as well, I had ridden my Goldwing to work last night. It got colder than they said it was going to last night, and with the fog rolling in, there was talk of some icy areas on the roads. They were fine by the time I got out of there and headed home, but it was a chilly ride home.

The disciplinary unit was busy last night. Just before I got to work at 09:00pm the entire second tier flooded out. This is when they plug their toilets with clothing or bedding and then repeatedly flush so they overflow and dump water all over the place. This was in response to the staff doing shack downs on the tier earlier. Just their way of saying they weren't happy about it. There was a nifty, cleverly made tattoo gun found during the shake down. I saw it when they put it in the evidence locker. It was a pretty good one. Inmates can get pretty creative when they have nothing better to do all day.


Sherry Carline said...

Okay cool. I don't know why but I just assumed you worked inside and from what your post says, you work the outer perimeter of the prison. And I assume a fog line is to make sure no one is breaking out? You have to forgive me, but some of this stuff is a little foreign. Anyway, you keep postin' and I'll keep reading. Love ya.

Anonymous said...

You'll never take me alive, you filthy screw! TOP OF THE WORLD MA, TOP OF THE WORLD! (=

Nice blog man, interesting stuff to those of us (still) on the outside! I just gotta figure out how to subscribe to it...

The Area-51 Fugitive

Michelle said...

Wow!! This is pretty cool! I've always heard how you like your job and how easy it is. Didn't realize you have "problems and stress" not only from the inmates but the people you actually work with as well. Of course I've seen personally some staff that think their hot shit because of there "status or rank". I enjoy hearing the stories of the crap that goes on in there and being stupidly engaged to someone that was on the inside got to hear perspectives from both sides. That is not the case anymore thank goodness but really think this is cool and hope you will continue to post so you can relieve some of the stress from doing one of the in my opinion most mentally stressful and depressing jobs that exist. Thanks for helping to keep us all safe from the criminals.
Love ya Bubba