Tuesday, October 30, 2007

October 30th

This post should have been yesterdays.
Read on and you will know why it didn't get posted yesterday.
Last night all was quiet.
Too quiet, I had a hell of a time staying awake.

The night started off quiet enough.
My floor staff did some shakedowns and got the orderlies out to clean their respective sections.
Then at 20:12 a call comes over the radio.
A calm voice says, "Hey it looks like we have a cell fight in Charlie 18".
So everyone scatters and runs to C Unit (which is now actually DSU Unit One).
It turns out that it most likely wasn't actually a cell fight, but a couple idiots horseplaying in the cell.
They still got taken out, shook down, interviewed and will be given disciplinary reports for horseplaying in the cell.
Like I always say, they ain't here for being too smart or too fast!

Well, I went down that night and did count at 01:30 am. Just after I finished, I was sitting in the break room and the phone rang. Someone answered it and handed it to me. It was the boss calling to inform me that I was on the bubble and he had to mandatory me.
GREAT! It is my Monday, of my long week, and I get to stick around another four hours. I tried to run excuses through my head....I had nothing. I was screwed.

So I got assigned to do truck escort for another four hours after my shift ended.
Turns out this ain't a bad gig. As truck escort I am SUPPOSED to drive the bus next door to the minimum camp and pick up imate workers for the motorpool and warehouse.

Well, I don't drive no stinkin' bus.

So they had someone else go get them. Then I am supposed to drive the garbage truck in and pick up garbage in the institution.

Well, I don't drive no stinkin' garbage truck. (You starting to see a pattern here?)

So the outside Sgt. handed me his keys and had me watch his inmate crew while he did the garbage run. This consisted of sitting in a chair and reading a magazine. Then when he came out I had to walk in with the food truck. Walked it back to the back gate of the kitchen and watched while the inmates unloaded it. Then walk the truck back out. We walk the truck in since it goes down the main avenue where inmates are around. I am basically just another set of eyes to make sure no inmates try to get near the truck to try to escape.

Sat on my arse another hour bullshitting with the motorpool Sgt., then turned in my radio and went home. Hell, if I gotta do manditory overtime, I want this gig EVERY time. The only drawback is the lack of sleep before going back in. THAT is why I didn't get around to posting yesterday. Basically got home and got 3 1/2 hours sleep, then had to go back in for another 12 hour shift last night.

Speaking of which, it is time for another one....

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