Saturday, July 14, 2007

July 14th

Well, had the surgery yesterday.
Other than getting in late, everything went well.
I was scheduled for 10:00am, they didn't get me in until 02:30pm. The one before me apparently got more involved than expected and took a lot longer than they thought.
Once I got done, I was able to get up and move around within about an hour, so they let me go home. I haven't had much pain at all. Yesterday of course I was still pretty groggy and doped up, and I took a pain pill just before we left the hospital.
Today, I feel a bit of pressure as I am up and about, but still not in any real pain. I have been taking Vicadin about every 5 or 6 hours though.
Got out and went for a walk up and down the block this morning, still feeling fine. I'm not moving real fast, and using my cane for stability, but feeling pretty good otherwise.
Just going to take it easy this week, and hope I am feeling well and healed up enough to go back to work next week.

1 comment:

The Skald said...

Glad to hear things went well... except for the aggravation of lying around for several hours! I'm kind of wondering if you remember calling me last night? Though we did carry on a conversation, I'm pretty sure we had the same conversation about four times ;-)

I think maybe I'll send some pretty pictures to see if you are still the salacious old man you used to be... wouldn't want you to stress that back.

We'll send up some smelly stuff to the goddess for your healing, and of course, we'll not forget some for the god -- for your mojo dude!

Get well,
Stay well,
Hugs all round,