Wednesday, July 11, 2007

July 11th

Well, I didn't post much last week, figured I would get one in today. I bid for my new shift Tuesday morning. I will be working in IMU still, on the IMU side away from the bastards in DSU. I will work 06:00 pm to 06:00 am on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Then every third week I go in a day early and work Sunday night as well. I think this is going to be a nice post. I will be starting this post on the first full week of August.

I will be going in on Friday morning to have surgery to fix a buggered up disc in my back. If all goes well, I will be back home that evening. I will be off work next week, and if I am feeling up to it, will go back the following week. I will try to post when I am able to sit long enough to do it, and keep you posted on how the surgery went.

It is time to get ready for work. I am hoping they have the air conditioning working in the control center tonight. It is 90 degrees, cloudy and muggy as hell outside. It is going to be a miserable night if the AC isn't working.

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