Tuesday, June 26, 2007

June 26th (Take Two)

Figured I would post a catch up post since my internet was down this weekend.

I worked an overtime shift Sunday night in C unit.
This is the death row unit.
My night was pretty quiet, since the death row guys usually don't cause any problems.

HOWEVER, I could hear the dumbasses in D unit ,which is right above C unit, banging and yelling and raising hell. I got a call from the guy working D control about 09:00pm, telling me they were flooding out and to turn the water off in section three. The water shut off is in C unit that controls water for each section of C and D unit. So I ran to the box, flipped the two toggle switches that would kill the water in section three. A few minutes later, I get a call from D unit again. He asks me if I got the water off. I told him I did, and he tells me it is still running. So I go back to the box, this time I take a flashlight so I can see, and it turns out I had killed the water for section ONE instead of three. OOPS!! So I switch one back on and kill the water for three. It turns out that, unlike the other units, the water shut off goes from top to bottom as section three, two, one. Now wouldn't you think it would go from one to three? So that gave the idiots an extra few minutes of flush time, so they had a good two inches of standing water covering the entire floor of section three.

So, flooding is when they plug their toilets with clothes, sheets, whatever they can find and continually flush to overflow it. So they now have toilet water all over the tier and into every cell on the bottom tier.

Now here is the beautiful part. The Lieutenant actually decides to make them suffer a bit. He called the Captain at home, told him what had happened, and that he had no intention of getting it cleaned up. The Captain actually grew a pair and backed him up and decided the hell with them. Let them live in the mess they made, and give them sack lunches for breakfast, and if they want to be stupid he won't let that whole section have recs all week if need be. So we left the water off all night, turning it on for five minutes once an hour so they could flush if necessary, and let them live with the mess all night.

It is going to be interesting over the next couple weeks as we take back control of this section.


Anonymous said...

There was a story in the City Paper in DC this week about a guy in DC jail who had a heart attack on the basketball court. Guards milled around for about 10 minutes, made a few calls to the infirmary, misdiagnosed his heart attack as a Gran Mal seizure, got the Captain of the guards on video making cell phone calls and laughing while the guy died... it was a ridiculous expose. None of the guards involved had CPR training as mandated by DC law.

Another thing that caught my eye, though, was that the family complained that the dead guy had continually written to them griping about toilets overflowing into their cells from the other cells. Knowing from your blog that this is a disobedience tactic, I got an idea where the inmates were actually coming from.

Still, no excuse for what happened to the poor guy. By all accounts, including the guards, he was a laid-back dude who had gotten in trouble only the once (got high, crashed into a police car, got 16 months in jail).

Gary said...

Yeah, that's not cool at all.
Shit like that can cause a riot too.
If an inmate is down where I work, you immediately call the emergency medical number. We don't diagnose ANYTHING. We have nurses on 24/7, that is their job. We do get CPR training (mandated here too, it is actually a requirement for certification)at our inservice training each year. We also have the new defibrillators at the institution.

We had a male nurse get a man down call on the yard once. It was called as chest pains, he just casually strolled out to where the inmate was down. The Captain in charge of the shift chewed his ass when he heard about it. When there is a man down call, it is to be treated exactly as it should be, a person needs medical attention now!

I hope they fire those clowns and get some staff that can do the job, and do it right.