Thursday, April 12, 2007

April 12th

Sorry to those of you who actually read this rubish and look for more. It has been a while, I have been bad about keeping up.
There hasn't really been a whole lot going on lately, things have been pretty quiet, which is a good thing I suppose, all things considered.

This morning looked like it was going to be a real cluster, but it turned out not to be too bad. I was informed at 10 minutes to 5:00 am that we had an inmate we had to wake in our unit to be shipped out. I got this information from the guy working control in another unit. Thanks for passing along the info there LT. We feed breakfast at 5:05 am, so we didn't have much time to get him up, have him pack his belongings, and get him downstairs before breakfast was served.

THEN we got word that we were getting 5 new inmates from OSCI, another institution in Salem. The details are a bit fuzzy still, but there was something mentioned about a fire and some fights. I have no idea at this point if the inmates started a fire, or what exactly happened. I will find out tonight and post what details I can tomorrow.

We were afraid we would get these guys in just as breakfast got to the building. This has happened before, and can really throw a monkey wrench in the morning routine. The biggest being, we all get to go home late because everything gets delayed. Fortunately, they didn't get to us, so we were able to get breakfast served and split before they got there.

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