Friday, March 23, 2007

March 23rd

Nope, I haven't left this to the wayside.
We moved over the first weekend of the month and didn't get the internet setup at our new house until yesterday.
Not a lot has been going on.
I managed to get through the move without hurting my back, and then the day AFTER we got moved I decided to get my computer set up. As I lifted my antique, massive old 19" monitor off the ground, my back went out. So I have missed the last week of work.
I went in Thursday morning and had pain block shots in my back. They use an x-ray machine and run a needle right in next to my spine and shoot me with a steroid that has anti-inflammatory properties. So far I still hurt like hell, but I think it is starting to ease off a little.
So when I get back to work next week I will be sure to start updating again.

1 comment:

Sherry Carline said...

I'm glad you finally got moved cause I miss your blogs. I really hate that you hurt your back. I have a bulging disc between L-4 and L-5 but if I am really careful it usually doesn't bother me too bad. Four years ago, I had smashed all of the vertibrae in my neck so now when I get stressed, it starts there and depending on how well I maintain my stress, sometimes my doctor can't even adjust me. Been doing okay the past few weeks. Little bit of trouble this week but not much. I'm really getting anxious for June to get here. Don't know who's more excited. Me or your Mom. LOL Love ya, Aunt Sherry