Wednesday, November 21, 2007

November 21st

Well, I didn't quite make it two weeks, I went back to work last night.
Things were really quiet in the building last night, as I suspect they will be tonight. They usually are fairly well behaved leading up to a holiday. I tried to catch up on anything going on the last week and a half while I was gone, but no one I talked to had much to tell. I guess they are all being good leading up to the holiday.

I did a bonehead thing and almost didn't work last night. I went to the doctor on Monday and got papers signed to release me to go back to work. Well, I got halfway to work last night and realized I left the papers at home. I figured, screw it, I will just bring them in the next night. Oh no, I HAD to have those papers before I could return to work. They were going to send me home. I had decided I was going to drive all the way back home and get them, which is about a 40 mile drive, when it dawned on me. I could have the wife drive to where she works and fax them to us. She has about a 10 mile drive to work, so it was a bit of a pain for her, but I figured it was easier than me having to drive 40 miles.
Well, she being smarter than I, thought about contacting my pa, and he met her where he works in town, which is only about 6 blocks from our house, and they faxed them up to me.

So, a big thank you to the wifey and pa for savin' my butt and getting those to me. I was NOT looking forward to having to drive all the way home and then back in again!

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