Saturday, July 14, 2007

July 14th

Well, had the surgery yesterday.
Other than getting in late, everything went well.
I was scheduled for 10:00am, they didn't get me in until 02:30pm. The one before me apparently got more involved than expected and took a lot longer than they thought.
Once I got done, I was able to get up and move around within about an hour, so they let me go home. I haven't had much pain at all. Yesterday of course I was still pretty groggy and doped up, and I took a pain pill just before we left the hospital.
Today, I feel a bit of pressure as I am up and about, but still not in any real pain. I have been taking Vicadin about every 5 or 6 hours though.
Got out and went for a walk up and down the block this morning, still feeling fine. I'm not moving real fast, and using my cane for stability, but feeling pretty good otherwise.
Just going to take it easy this week, and hope I am feeling well and healed up enough to go back to work next week.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

July 11th

Well, I didn't post much last week, figured I would get one in today. I bid for my new shift Tuesday morning. I will be working in IMU still, on the IMU side away from the bastards in DSU. I will work 06:00 pm to 06:00 am on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Then every third week I go in a day early and work Sunday night as well. I think this is going to be a nice post. I will be starting this post on the first full week of August.

I will be going in on Friday morning to have surgery to fix a buggered up disc in my back. If all goes well, I will be back home that evening. I will be off work next week, and if I am feeling up to it, will go back the following week. I will try to post when I am able to sit long enough to do it, and keep you posted on how the surgery went.

It is time to get ready for work. I am hoping they have the air conditioning working in the control center tonight. It is 90 degrees, cloudy and muggy as hell outside. It is going to be a miserable night if the AC isn't working.

Friday, July 6, 2007

July 6th

Work has been pretty quiet the last couple nights.
Well, not all that quiet, but no problems. They were noisy as hell last night, but just being stupid and making noise for the sake of making noise.

Speaking of stupid, I thought I would share with you the details of the type of special stupid I am around all the time.
We will call him, inmate moron.
Inmate Moron came into the system with a 6 year beef for Robbery II and was 23 years old.
He would have been released in Feb. of this year.
Since he has been in, our little moron has racked up the following charges.

4 counts of inmate with a weapon for another 9.6 years.
4 counts of assault III for another 7.3 years.
2 counts of assaulting an Officer for another 5 years.

Yup, our little Einstein now has an earliest release date of Feb. of 2028.
He would have been out this year at age 28, now assuming he gets no further charges he will be out when he is 49.
On top of that, he has warrants in California, Washington and a local county here.

Some people just shouldn't be allowed to breathe.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

July 4th

Well, Gravebinder informed me I should post about things going on even on my days off.
So here ya go. I think had mentioned the problems I was having keeping my DSL running decent.
I had one weekend where it went dead and I had no internet for the whole weekend. On that Monday they came out and cleaned up some phone lines and I thought all was well. The next weekend, I get on to play a little EQII, and keep getting kicked out again. I checked my speeds and was getting like 25 to 40kps. It was total crap. I called the 24 hour tech support and they said they were doing some sort of maintenance on the lines that weekend. OK, so that was the problem, no biggie.

Well, the next weekend (this last weekend) I got on to play and the same thing started happening. Crap download speeds, kept getting kicked out of game etc. So now I'm REALLY pissed. I even called the guy at the phone company (his work phone - voicemail) at 01:00 am Sunday morning to tell him he better get someone out here Monday and fix it or I was going back to Comcast.

Well, Monday someone came out and climbed the pole and cleaned up some more lines. Running a little better, but still not as good as it should. He had one of the guys stop by and give me some CAT5 cable which I ran right from the box on the outside of the house, to the jack my computer is plugged into. They even gave me a new jack to run it in to. Monday night I got on to game and yup, got kicked out some more. Now I am starting to think some asshat at the phone company is watching and as soon as I log in to play the game, they shut me down. I swear it was always going down when I got on to play.

I call him up again this morning. So, they show back up today, and we are having a hell of a time trying to figure out why my speeds are dropping. He traces the line I put in all the way into the house. Everything looks good, but it is still all over the place and not as fast as it should be. We were starting to think it was the modem. The guy pulls the faceplate off the jack in the house by the computer. Everything appears to be done right, but he pulls the wires off and re-sets them.
BOOM!! I now have internet and it is stable as can be. We still can't figure out what it was, but I must not have had a good connection on one of the wires.

I now have DSL with a smokin fast (are you ready for this?) 10 MBS DOWNLOAD!! Yeah, that's right. 10 FREAKIN MBS!! My son has his computer in his room, running wireless and HE is getting 6.8 MBS! Three weeks of fighting this stupid thing, and it is all worth it now.

Centurytel 10 MBS DSL2 - FTW!!