Wednesday, October 31, 2007

October 31st - Happy Halloween

Last night we had a little training session with the fools in section one of my unit.

I went down to do the 11:00 pm count. As usual the idiots in the DSU sections all started yelling and being stupid when I went on the tier to count. Their favorite thing is to yell "Get in my belly" ala Fat Bastard from Austin Powers. I told them they were weak, that was getting old and you would think with nothing better to do all day while locked in their little cages, they could at least come up with some new and original insults to throw my way.
Had fun with them, got them all fired up and left the unit. Stupid people are funny sometimes.

Then I went to count in MY unit and some of the morons in section one started making smart ass comments. I asked them why they would be so stupid and mess with someone that actually works the unit they live in, and they just yelled some more.
Silly little morons.
So as soon as I got back up to control center, the first thing I did was kill the power to their radios. Yup, I have switches in control that can cut the power where the radios are plugged in. Then I closed the recreation door. They had asked the guy that was in while I was counting to open it to get some fresh air in the section because it was stuffy.
Now, no radios, no fresh air, someone yelled "Hey what the fuck". Then another said,"Oh, is back up there".
Yup, they aren't too bright, but they figured that one out.
So they had no radios until I turned the lights back on at 5:00 am this morning when they brought breakfast in. Will see next week when I count if they remember why it isn't a good idea to mess with the guy in control center...

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

October 30th

This post should have been yesterdays.
Read on and you will know why it didn't get posted yesterday.
Last night all was quiet.
Too quiet, I had a hell of a time staying awake.

The night started off quiet enough.
My floor staff did some shakedowns and got the orderlies out to clean their respective sections.
Then at 20:12 a call comes over the radio.
A calm voice says, "Hey it looks like we have a cell fight in Charlie 18".
So everyone scatters and runs to C Unit (which is now actually DSU Unit One).
It turns out that it most likely wasn't actually a cell fight, but a couple idiots horseplaying in the cell.
They still got taken out, shook down, interviewed and will be given disciplinary reports for horseplaying in the cell.
Like I always say, they ain't here for being too smart or too fast!

Well, I went down that night and did count at 01:30 am. Just after I finished, I was sitting in the break room and the phone rang. Someone answered it and handed it to me. It was the boss calling to inform me that I was on the bubble and he had to mandatory me.
GREAT! It is my Monday, of my long week, and I get to stick around another four hours. I tried to run excuses through my head....I had nothing. I was screwed.

So I got assigned to do truck escort for another four hours after my shift ended.
Turns out this ain't a bad gig. As truck escort I am SUPPOSED to drive the bus next door to the minimum camp and pick up imate workers for the motorpool and warehouse.

Well, I don't drive no stinkin' bus.

So they had someone else go get them. Then I am supposed to drive the garbage truck in and pick up garbage in the institution.

Well, I don't drive no stinkin' garbage truck. (You starting to see a pattern here?)

So the outside Sgt. handed me his keys and had me watch his inmate crew while he did the garbage run. This consisted of sitting in a chair and reading a magazine. Then when he came out I had to walk in with the food truck. Walked it back to the back gate of the kitchen and watched while the inmates unloaded it. Then walk the truck back out. We walk the truck in since it goes down the main avenue where inmates are around. I am basically just another set of eyes to make sure no inmates try to get near the truck to try to escape.

Sat on my arse another hour bullshitting with the motorpool Sgt., then turned in my radio and went home. Hell, if I gotta do manditory overtime, I want this gig EVERY time. The only drawback is the lack of sleep before going back in. THAT is why I didn't get around to posting yesterday. Basically got home and got 3 1/2 hours sleep, then had to go back in for another 12 hour shift last night.

Speaking of which, it is time for another one....

Friday, October 26, 2007

October 26th

Well, I slacked off again this week. Thought I better get at least one post in for this last week, so here goes.

My work week was actually pretty quiet. Even the morons in DSU side seemed to take a brake and were pretty quiet for the most part.

On Sunday though, there was an assault on a sergeant in population. An inmate came out for med line, and for some reason attacked the sarge with a razor. He cut him on the arm, back and ear before staff dog-piled him and got him restrained. Luckily, none of the cuts were too serious. He did have to have a few stitches though.

The following is an excerpt from the local newspaper that actually did a RARE article commending us. Notice they still insist on calling us "guards" instead of Correction Officers though. Then they got it right in the article itself. Go figure.

As always, I prefer not to list names in my blog, so those have been removed or changed.

Guards look out for prison security, their own.
Attack on guard on Sunday highlights risk of the job.

October 23, 2007
Among the Mid-Valley's residents are thousands of state prison inmates, including 2,182 at Oregon State Penitentiary in Salem. The task of guarding the inmates and keeping the penitentiary under control rests with the 361-person security staff. It can be a dangerous job. Sgt. (name withheld) was attacked Sunday night by an inmate wielding a razor blade. Fortunately, (name withheld)'s wounds to his arm, ear and back were not life-threatening. He was treated at Salem Hospital and today was reported to be doing well.
Oregon State Police are investigating. The suspect, inmate dumbass, has been placed in the penitentiary's disciplinary segregation unit. Dumbass had been released from his cell to receive routine medication when the attack occurred about 7:45 p.m., officials said.
Security and correctional officers have a difficult, under-appreciated job. They constantly must be vigilant to their and the inmates' security, and to issues that may affect inmates' behavior. For example, the officers generally are the initial line of contact when an inmate is distressed after receiving bad news from home or suffers a health problem. And the threat of violence always is present. The penitentiary averages about one physical assault on a staff member each month.
It must take a special person -- with skill, determination and self-discipline -- to be a correctional officer. Be thankful for their work.

Kind of nice to see a positive article about us for once in the paper. Usually this particular paper is the first to point a finger at us and print anything negative they can.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

October 18th

Pretty quiet night again last night.

The Lt. did call me at about 01:00am to tell me I needed to do a piss test on a guy just before breakfast. Turns out I was the only person in the building that had done the training and was listed as being qualified. The funny thing is, I did that training probably 3 or 4 years ago, and have never had to do it. Well, he never did call me down, I think he decided it could wait until dayshift got there to do it.

We do a certain number of random piss tests each month to check for drug use in the institution. That is one of the ways they keep track of whether drugs are getting introduced into the institution.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

October 17th

Well, I should have posted yesterday too,l but things have been pretty quiet for the most part the last two nights.

I was talking to the guy in ten tower on the phone last night, when he said he needed to go because something was happening. About five minutes later, the lieutenant called on the radio to let us know we had two incoming from a fight on the yard. Well, that was what was happening. I never did hear any details about what it was over or who it was, but we got two new morons for the DSU units. Our DSU unit is now completely full, so they had to kick two guys out early to make room for the two new ones.

I guess last Saturday evening they were pretty busy in DSU unit 1. The guy that works my unit on the floor said he worked an overtime shift in there and they flooded out several times and had to do three cell extractions.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

October 9th again

I just looked at my site tracker and thought this was kind of interesting.
I originally started this thing for friends and family because people are always interested when I tell them I work at a prison.
They always want to hear stories and wonder if working there is anything like the movies and TV.
Well, sometimes it is, but you know how Hollywood is....

Anyway, the interesting thing is how far spread the visitors are to my silly little blog here.
So, mostly for my own amusement, here is a list from the tracker of where the last hundred people that have visited this thing are from....

Houston, Texas
Durham, North Carolina
Detroit, Michigan
Springfield, Oregon
Linn Creek, Missouri
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Eugene, Oregon
La Crosse, Wisconsin
Monroe, Louisiana
Chicago, Illinois
Lebanon, Oregon
Bonnie, Illinois
Corvallis, Oregon
Turner, Oregon
Salem, Oregon
Brainerd, Minnesota
Tampa, Florida
Wellpinit, Washington
Ashland City, Tennessee
Byron Center, Michigan
Seattle, Washington
Bronxville, New York

Yeah, I know that isn't 100, but it has multiples of some cities and there are about 20 that it lists as Unknown.
I also remember checking it once a long time ago and there was even a hit from someone in Germany.

So to all you folks that find your way here, Welcome, and I hope that you find this at least interesting enough you don't stare at the screen afterwards thinking "There's ten minutes of my life I'll never get back".

Lastly, if anyone out there has a question or comment, please hit the comment link and feel free to ask. I check this thing often enough (even if I don't update enough) and will be happy to respond.

Thanks for stopping by.

October 9th

Last night, more of the same stupidness.
Inmates in Unit 1 of DSU started acting up.
I am not sure what the original problem was, but the Lieutenant called for an extraction team to get ready.
When they went in to extract a guy, the dumbass in the next cell shit-bombed the Lieutenant and an Officer. So the Lieutenant sprayed him with pepper spray. They let him sit and enjoy the spray for a while as they brought in a new guy that transport brought us. Then they went back in and got him out. He backed up when they went to get him, but as soon as they brought him out, he tried to kick staff. He got promptly "placed on the ground" for his trouble. That little episode should cost him another 3 to 5 years or so. Oh, this is the same moron I posted about on July 6th.
In the mean time, apparently another one started kicking his door, and kicked it enough to red light the board. On our control panels for the doors, there are two lights for each door, a red and green light. The green light indicates the door is secure, a red light indicates it is open, at least to some degree. So they had to go in and take him out.
All in all a pretty busy night for the first 4 hours or so. Things finally quieted down after that.

In other news, my youngest son turns 18 today. Happy Birthday son!!

Monday, October 8, 2007

October 8th

Yes, Yes, I know I haven't posted in two months.
I am going to get back in the habit of updating, honest.

I don't think I posted since I had the back surgery.
Most of you that actually read this already know that it was a success and my back is doing better than it has for years.
Although I have not got back in the habit of updating, I was only off work for about eleven days after the surgery.

The building I work in has finished the swap to become both our Intensive Management Unit (IMU) and our Disciplinary Segregation Unit (DSU).
The building itself is now called Special Management Housing (SMH).
It consists of the IMU (A and B unit), and the DSU (Unit 1 and 2).

The old DSU building is now known as the Administrative Special Housing (ASH).
OOOHHHHH YEAH boys and girls, you can imagine the fun a bunch of twisted, sarcastic, cynical Correction Officers are having with that.
Imagine if you will, the radio traffic as 10 tower announces to staff in the Administrative Special Housing that they have someone entering the building.
"Ten Tower to ASH, you got one coming in the ASH"
Yes it is childish, schoolyard humor, but come on. What were they thinking when they named this thing.
Oh that's right, it was named by management. There wasn't any thinking involved.
Anyway, so the ASH consists of Death Row Unit (DRU) and the Administrative Segregation Unit (ASU).
ASU is what most people would think of as protective custody.

So back to my little home away from home. I am assigned the control center of IMU B unit.
This is where the higher level guys are housed, and consequently, it is for the most part pretty quiet most of the time.
This works for me. I have done my time dealing with the boneheads. At least the boneheads up here are a little more well behaved.

Not so much for the rest of the building. Tonight we started moving inmates around in the unit. We were supposed to get two more brought up from A unit. One decided he didn't want to move. Normally this wouldn't be SUCH a big deal, but two things weren't going his way. Number one he failed the attitude check when he was told he was moving. Number two, he didn't have any reason to be such a mouthy ass about moving, which threw up red flags to the Lieutenant. Why would he NOT want to move to the better, more quiet unit? Well, he then refused to even be cuffed up to come out to talk. So an extraction team was formed and they went in to get him. He got a face full of pepper spray and staff dog piled him, cuffed him and he ended up coming out the hard way. Now he will lose his level and his property will be searched thoroughly to determine if he had something to hide.

Just as they were finishing dealing with this mess, a guy in one of the DSU units started having chest pains. So an ambulance was called and the guy was transported out to the hospital. This was all within the first two hours of my shift. Can't wait to see what the rest of the night has in store for us.

And so it continues. At about 10:30pm, the officer working control in DSU Unit 2 calls on the radio to have the water turned off in one of the sections. An inmate was flooding out. When they went in to talk to him the inmate was in the process of tying his sheets around his neck. This was an inmate we just got in tonight. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that on top of everything else going on earlier tonight, we had 4 inmates brought in for DSU all within about 30 minutes of each other. The details I got are still a bit blurry, and I am not sure if anyone knows for sure at this point what happened but it sounds like maybe the guys cellmate beat on him. They brought him down to my unit and put him in the holding cell. So now i have a bunch of staff, the Lieutenant, a couple nurses all milling around. Well, they finally all left and the rest of the night was quiet.